Resolutions Roulette: Spin to Win Your Best Year Yet

Welcome to Resolutions Roulette…

Are you ready to make this year your best one yet? 

Feeling called to harness that new year energy and begin 2025 with the right support?

Ready to mix up how you set your new year’s resolutions?

You're in the right place! 

Each offer is carefully crafted to support you as you get started into 2025.

Simply spin the wheel (it should pop up on your screen as you’re reading this blog post) for your chance to win one of the four special offers below…

Offer 1: £10 RECAP + ROADMAP Digital Workbook

Look back to look forward to 2025 with a 60% discount on the usual price of £25 for our best-selling digital workbook, RECAP + ROADMAP.

Set yourself up for the next 12 months with a focus that feels clear and achievable. Download the RECAP + ROADMAP Workbook for just £10 with this offer and you could:

  • Take stock of your last 12 months with a host of helpful reflection prompts

  • Capture an accurate snapshot of where you currently stand in key areas of your life

  • Develop a dynamic vision for the year, that you’re excited to check-in with

  • Build out a personalised roadmap, getting clarity on your key focus areas

Offer 2: £25 Mini Strengths Session with Tee

Knowing what you’re good at, what energises you and finding ways to use those strengths wisely, will help you to be more authentic, feel more confident, mean you are more likely to achieve your goals and generally perform better at what you do. 

If you have been feeling flat, pulled in a million and one directions, or like you are no longer doing the things you're good at or that light you up - then this is a great chance for a January reset!

For £25, you'll get to:

  • Take a Strengths Profile assessment and receive a starter profile report back, detailing your top 3 realised strengths, 3 unrealised strengths, 2 learned behaviours and 1 weakness

  • Complete a self-reflection worksheet, reflecting on how strengths have shown up for you in the past and how they're present for you now, as well as responding to the results from your profile report

  • Book in for a 30-minute live "mini session" with Tee, to identify your top 5 strengths to lean into in 2025, harnessing your realised strengths, re-energising your tired strengths and unleashing your unrealised strengths 

Don’t miss out - we are only offering 10 of these sessions, when they’re gone, they’re gone!

A full Strengths Assessment, featuring the Expert Report and a 60-Minute Deepdive with Tee, is £300.

Offer 3: Your First Month Free in Aligned Ambitions

Join our safe, supportive and structured 7-month group program Aligned Ambitions to work out what’s next for you… and we'll pay your first month free! Saving you £135!

Diving into our first intake for 2025, over the next 7 months, from January through July, you’ll join a small handful of other women as you identify your values, your strengths, your boundaries, your core beliefs around your career and its place in your life AND MORE.

Hurry though - we kick-off on Sunday 12th January with our half-day opening circle, so you’ll have to be quick to claim this one and there are only 3 spaces left for this NEW YEAR intake!

Offer 4: Ideal, Average Day Reflection Template

Sometimes our minds can draw a blank when it’s time to craft our resolutions - that’s where an alternative exercise, like our Ideal, Average Day visualisation exercise can really come into its own.

Using 25 questions we’ll get you thinking about the little details of your ideal life to help give you the clarity you need for how you’d ideally like to be showing up in your day to day life.

98% of us are capable of increasing this crucial leadership skill - are you?

We’re coming to the end of Empathy Week here in the UK. It’s aimed at school kids, aged 5-18, to help them develop empathy - and it’s a great reminder for us as leaders as well.

What is the meaning of empathy?

The Empathy Week website defines empathy as “the skill to understand another person AND the ability to create space for someone to reveal their authentic self whilst reserving judgement.”

Oooof - definite alignment with our work here at HUSTLE + hush then.

I also like this explanation c/o the NYTimes, that "empathy happens when two parts of the brain work together — the emotional center perceives the feelings of others and the cognitive center tries to understand why they feel that way and how we can be helpful to them.”

Confused about empathic vs empathetic. They mean the same thing and can be used interchangeably according to our good friends at Grammarly.

Is empathy learned or genetic?

If you’re about to click away because you’re not an empathetic person, then I encourage you to read back over the first paragraph - empathy isn’t something you’re either born with or not, it can be developed!

In fact, research shows us that only 10% of our empathic capacity is genetic. Meaning 90% can be learned, and 98% of us are capable of increasing our empathy.

Why is empathy important?

Why bother building your empathy muscle as a leader? 

According to Dr. Tracy Bower, empathy is the most important leadership skill - citing a recent study that showed:

  • When people reported their leaders were empathetic, they were more likely to report they were able to be innovative—61% of employees compared to only 13% of employees with less empathetic leaders.

  • 76% of people who experienced empathy from their leaders reported they were engaged compared with only 32% who experienced less empathy.

  • 50% of people with empathetic leaders reported their workplace was inclusive, compared with only 17% of those with less empathetic leadership.

  • When people felt their leaders were more empathetic, 86% reported they are able to navigate the demands of their work and life—successfully juggling their personal, family and work obligations. This is compared with 60% of those who perceived less empathy.

How can you develop and build empathy?

A great way to train our brains and build our empathy muscle is through (you guessed it) stories. 

When we read, our brains react in the same way as if the fictional situations were real.

The American Psychology Association reports that understanding people in fictional stories can help us to better understand people in real life: “The more one practices empathy (e.g., by relating to fictional characters), the more perspectives one can absorb while not feeling that one’s own is threatened.”

Studies have also shown that people who read literary fiction performed better on tests of empathy and emotional intelligence afterward.

I’m referencing Karen Eber’s TED talk - where she explains that when we listen to a story, our entire brain starts to light up. Each of our lobes will light up as our senses and emotions are engaged.

“There's this term, neural coupling, which says, as the listener, your brain will light up exactly as mine as the storyteller. It mirrors this activity as though you are actually experiencing these things.”

What children’s books are great for developing empathy?

This year I'm challenging myself to find the leadership lessons amidst the HUSTLE + hush Kids' Book Club themes (check out our Instagram dedicated specifically to the Kids’ Book Club here). It’s a fun way of wearing my leadership coach hat, alongside my Mum hat. 

So for this week’s HUSTLE + hush kids’ book club choices, I’ve gone for the ones in our bookshelf that I find myself instinctively asking my son, “how do you think they’re feeling right now?”, the ones that open up a thoughtful space to explore someone else’s perspective and the ones that are so beautifully crafted, you can’t help but feel the neural coupling taking place.

HUSTLE + hush Kids’ Book Club Picks for 'Empathy Week'

  • Grandad's Secret Giant by David Litchfield (Author)
    “I wanted the reader to feel empathy and to really think about how their actions might make another person feel. When Billy runs away from the giant, he has to stop and think about how this is making the giant feel.”

  • What Happened to You by James Catchpole (Author) & Karen George (Illustrator)
    “I've written my book to show how these situations can feel from a disabled child's perspective. I hope disabled kids will feel validated by it and that non-disabled kids will get a chance to see things from their disabled peers’ perspective.”

  • Beegu by Alexis Deacon (Author)
    “I like to say that the best books leave a good portion of the experience to the reader’s own imaginative investment. Fifty percent author, fifty percent you.” 

  • Cat Chat: How cats tell us how they feel by Dr Jess French (Author) & Penelope Dullaghan (Illustrator)
    “Instead of wishing that my pets could talk, I had to learn to understand the signals that these animals were already giving me.”

  • The Rabbit Listened by Cori Doerrfeld (Author)
    “I hope to keep making books that become tools that help people start tricky conversations, and simply be more emotionally engaged overall with one another.”

  • I Heard Your Feelings - Flash Cards from Eeboo 

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Don’t forget to sign up to our newsletter 📧 to receive these posts in your inbox (weekly-ish). 

NB: We've included links so you can buy the books from either or Amazon, depending on your personal preference. These links are affiliate links, which means HUSTLE + hush gets commission for any purchases you make by clicking through on them.

Monday Poem: Self Love by James Crews

Every Monday morning (GMT/UK timezone), we share a poem with our email list.

Beautiful words, to inspire your week ahead.

If you’d like to open your inbox to a weekly poem that simultaneously creates a reflective pause and spurs you to action, sign up for the HUSTLE + hush newsletter at the bottom of the post.

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Monday Poem: Beginning by David Whyte

Every Monday morning (GMT/UK timezone), we share a poem with our email list.

Beautiful words, to inspire your week ahead.

If you’d like to open your inbox to a weekly poem that simultaneously creates a reflective pause and spurs you to action, sign up for the HUSTLE + hush newsletter at the bottom of the post.

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Monday Poem: She Let Go by Safire Rose

Every Monday morning (GMT/UK timezone), we share a poem with our email list.

Beautiful words, to inspire your week ahead.

If you’d like to open your inbox to a weekly poem that simultaneously creates a reflective pause and spurs you to action, sign up for the HUSTLE + hush newsletter at the bottom of the post.

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How destination addiction - that always striving and never arriving feeling - can undermine your goals for the new year

It’s easy to get lost in our future goals and vision setting - our wants and our needs - but in doing so we risk losing sight of what we already have. This is what the phrase ‘destination addiction’ refers to. Destination Addiction is the belief that happiness can be found only in a specific destination or somewhere other than the present.

Discover more about Destination Addiction, the power of gratitude and how to set goals for the new year that are supportive and affirming in this blog post…

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The leadership skills currently exhausting you in VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous) times... ​​and the ones that will help you navigate through.

For many people, VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity) details a period of chaos and confusion, where normal day-to-day routines are thrown off course, which can lead to significant challenges for teams and individuals alike. Like in a global pandemic.

All of us can feel the effects of a VUCA environment. Read on to discover the various ways that VUCA can clash with the leadership skills we may have previously relied upon and discover how to draw upon your own unique strengths as a leader to navigate these challenging times…

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Forget a book club, this is a CHAPTER club: ‘Rumbling with Vulnerability’ by Brene Brown

Welcome to the HUSTLE + hush Chapter Club, where instead of a whole book we select a CHAPTER, a handful of pages on a topic that feels relevant and resonant right now. We then share some of our favourite takeaways and offer some reflective questions you can wonder about…

So to kick it off, we’re going to start with that chapter that’s currently doing the rounds within the wider HUSTLE + hush network right now: Rumbling with Vulnerability From Dare to Lead by Brene Brown.

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