What is VUCA?
The term ‘VUCA’ is an acronym that stands for volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity. It first became popularised in 1987 following the leadership theories of Warren Bennis and Burt Nanus.
It is used to describe a time of unpredictable change where the current situation lacks clarity, and the future may seem uncertain.
For many people, VUCA details a period of chaos and confusion, where normal day-to-day routines are thrown off course, which can lead to significant challenges for teams and individuals alike.
What does VUCA stand for?
V is for Volatility.
This relates to the speed of the change that’s happening – it’s likely to be change that is rapid, unpredictable, frequent, sudden, unexpected etc.
U is for Uncertainty
This relates to our ability to confidently predict the future or outcomes of our actions/decisions.
C is for Complexity.
This relates to the number of inter-relating factors that we need to take into account and the relationships between all the various parts.
A is for Ambiguity.
This relates to the lack of clarity about how we should interpret something.
Working from home and overwhelm
Here at HUSTLE + hush, we recognise that the Covid-19 Pandemic has had a devastating impact on businesses worldwide, with changing regulations and uncertainty about the future making it difficult for leaders and teams to settle into a productive WFH routine.
As such, many sectors are having to reconsider the way they operate in order to adapt to these unprecedented times. For much of 2020/2021, this has led to a shift toward working remotely, with a large number of offices inaccessible due to remote working safety guidelines.
VUCA’s impact on high-performing leaders
All of us can feel the effects of a VUCA environment.
Read on below to discover the various ways that VUCA can clash with the leadership skills we may have previously relied upon:
Identifying Cause and Effect – For those who like to take charge, being caught in a volatile situation can make it difficult to properly prepare for a situation.
Planning – Living in unprecedented times makes it hard to predict how things will unfold which is especially challenging for the ‘planners’ among us. From a business perspective, this can make it difficult to predict how a project will be received, feeding into a sense of doubt and uncertainty.
Getting ahead of a problem – Without a predetermined timeline, it can feel like we’re stuck in a perpetual pandemic with no way out. For those who enjoy seeing how events relate to one another, this can be exhausting, with the complexity of our current situation making it impossible to gauge how our actions are connected.
Preparing Your Next Steps – With the ambiguity of the Covid-19 Pandemic, where regulations can change from one day to the next, it can be tricky to make decisions with confidence.
While we may all suffer under an unstable environment, high performers are likely to feel the effects of a VUCA environment much more astutely as they attempt to perform over and above expectations and dig deeper, to go the extra mile to achieve their objectives.
The combination of volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity, can lead to a dramatic decrease in productivity as individuals find themselves increasingly overwhelmed.
This change in mood can jeopardize projects, prevent development, and sap teams of their motivation.
When faced with overwhelming change, many individuals fail to identify the specific elements behind their exhaustion, and this can lead to prolonged feelings of hopelessness. If left unaddressed, these feelings can spiral into an overwhelming sense of anxiety that further feeds into the cycle.
So, how can you overcome times of volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity?
Leadership skills and VUCA workshops
The good news is a VUCA environment can be navigated.
In the face of VUCA ask yourself, what are my other unique leadership superpowers that I need to draw upon to lead myself and my team through this phase?
Perhaps you’ll elevate a team vision or shared values? Maybe it’s about leaning into your vulnerability or using your voice?
Do you need to draw upon your strength to understand those around you or your ability to get your team unstuck?
Are you the one who brings calmness, clarity or curiosity?
Is it your agility, adaptiveness or desire for actionable insights amidst information overload?
If you encounter any difficulties addressing VUCA yourself or with your team, then HUSTLE + hush is here to help.
Our “Redefining Leadership in VUCA times” workshop provides a chance for leaders to explore what it means to lead during volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) times and to intentionally define their authentic leadership pillars in response to this.
Through this workshop, you will receive the guidance necessary to mitigate the effects VUCA can have on yourself, your team, and your organisation.
If you wish to attend a Leadership Workshop, please follow the link to reach out to Tee and the team to discuss running the “Redefining Leadership in VUCA times” session with your team.
Written by Lauren Grimes.
Image credits to Mart Production, Tima Miroshnichenko, cottonbro, Mathilde Langevin.